Repair Capabilities

Gyroscope, (Remote)

Directional Displacement

Vertical Displacement

Rate of Turn, RateSwitching

Three (3) Axis - Pitch, Roll and Yaw

Gyroscope, Vacuum and Electric (Panel Mounted Indicator)

Heading / Directional / Compass / Yaw

Altitude / Horizon / Vertical / Pitch and Roll

Turn Coordinator / Turn and Bank / Turn and Slip

Auto-Pilot - Directional, Altitude, and Turn


Vertical Speed / Instantaneous Vertical Airspeed (IVSI)

Fuel Pressure / Manifold Pressure / Oil Pressure / Exhaust Pressure

Radio Magnetic (RMI)

Airspeed / True Airspeed / Mach Airspeed


Altimeter / Encoding Altimeter

Fuel Flow / Fluel Quantity

Horizontal Situation (HSI)


Altitude / Horizon / Flight Director

Flap Position / Trim


Avionics and Identification Reporting

Encoding Altimeter

Height Indicator, Radar Altimeter

Receiver / Transmitter, Radar Altimeter

Transponders (Mode C and Mode S)

Altitude Alerter

Altitude Computer / Trim

Fuel Flow Transmitters

Density Corrected, Ranges up to 80,000

Pounds per Hour, with Synchro, Selsyn,

Frequency Pulse, or Voltage Output

Power Distribution



Power Supply



Full Downloadable Capabilities List

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